Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers
From:Alex Rey, Town Manager
Subject:Commercial and Industrial Parking Canopies


It is recommended that carport canopies in the commercial and industrial district be regulated through existing permitting and code compliance procedures.

On December 1, 2015, the Town Council of the Town of Miami Lakes directed the Town Manager to look into canopied structures used for covered parking within the Town's business parks. The item was initiated by former Councilperson Lama who observed, during a tour of the Town the presence of these canopied structures. His request was to ensure that the Town had a plan to ensure the appropriateness and maintenance of such canopies.

The Town's Code Compliance Division investigated the state of the existing canopy structures within the Town's business parks and found eight (8) existing structures. Five (5) of the canopies are actually designed for their use as shelter for parked cars and three (3) canopy structures are seating areas for individuals to utilize during break periods.

Of the eight (8) canopies, five (5) have permits, and three (3) do not have permits. The un-permitted structures have been issued a notice of violation.

Currently, the Land Development Code does not prohibit such structures provided they conform to all required setbacks of the district. Most of the existing structures are well maintained with many screened from view.

Given the limited number of such structures, their overall condition, and existing code provisions, it is recommended that this matter be addressed as part of regular compliance procedures without the need to develop additional regulations.
