Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers
From:Honorable Councilmember Marilyn Ruano
Subject:Special Needs Committee


I would like to request the council consider reviving our Special Needs Committee. This committee has been dormant for some time but our special needs community is in need of activities and programs that specifically cater to their needs. I would also like to discuss the possibility of renaming the committee "Special Needs Advisory Committee" or "Special Needs Advisory Board".

On December 18th, 2017, Mayor Cid and I had the pleasure of meeting with a new Miami Lakes resident by the name of Jose Aaron Pargas. He recently moved to Miami Lakes from Puerto Rico and is himself a resident with special needs. He reached out to the Town as he is very interested in participating in our local government. He would be the perfect first appointee to our Special Needs Committee. I will be appointing Mr Pargas to our Special Needs Committee on Jan 16th at our Regular Council meeting.

Fiscal Impact: High- at least 100 hours of staff time per year