Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers
From:Honorable Councilmember Luis Collazo
Subject:Neighborhood Matching Grant


Purpose of the Proposed Item:
Recently the Town of Miami Lakes adopted a bike sharing program, SPIN, which allows users access to a bike sharing service throughout different points of distribution throughout our Town. Typically these points of distribution are based on points of interest throughout our Town. Currently these points of distribution include our parks/public places, our Town Center district, and major corridors. In keeping with the objectives set forth within our Transportation Master Plan, and encouraging multi-modality transportation options for our residents, it would make sense to also offer points of distributions into the neighborhood level. By creating additional access points closer to our residents, and greater accessibility to the SPIN Program, we would be encouraging our residents to engage in alternative forms of mobility, in lieu of additional vehicular traffic.

Major Points of Proposed Item:

The Neighborhood Improvement Committee for the Town of Miami Lakes has spearheaded initiatives which embrace Town wide bike-ability, and encourages biking by hosting a Community Bike Ride event during our monthly Super Saturdays. The Neighborhood Improvement Community also currently manages the Neighborhood Matching Grant program, which allows neighborhood groups like home owner associations and condominium board associations to enhance the neighborhoods appearance by a competitive grant application process.

Reason for Action:
The Neighborhood matching grant program could be utilized to assist communities wanting to provide the SPIN program in additional points of distribution closer at the neighborhood level.

Action Desired:

I would like to direct staff to work with the Neighborhood Improvement Committee, and obtain feedback on this initiative, and see if it could be adopted as part of our current Neighborhood Matching Grant program. If adopted by the committee, I would like staff to work with our home owner associations, condominium boards, and SPIN to market this as an option at the neighborhood level.

Fiscal Impact: Small