Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council
From:Edward Pidermann, Town Manager
Subject:Street Side Yard Patios in RU-1Z Lots


Staff recommends approval of the ordinance permitting decks in the street side yard setback of RU-1Z corner lots providing for a minimum setback of three (3) feet and to allow up to 60% of the required yards of such lots to be impervious.


At the June 5, 2018, Town Council meeting, an item was introduced during the Manager's Report which addressed the possibility of permitting corner lots zoned RU-1Z, Single Family Zero Lot Line, to have decking located within the required street side yard setback. The presentation relied upon preliminary research that found the majority of RU-1Z zoned corner lots tended to be wider than the interior lots. The preliminary conclusion, pending further research, was that such an accommodation may be possible. The logic relied upon there being similar construction on corner lots as found on interior lots, thus freeing up more land to capture storm-water runoff from impervious areas.

The Town Council directed the Town Manager to explore the possibility and return with an ordinance if the additional research supported the initial conclusion. Staff's additional research found that it may be possible to permit street side yard decks, however the recommendation includes a cautionary note as presented in the coming paragraphs. On September 19th, 2018, the Planning and Zoning Board, acting in their capacity as the Local Planning Agency, heard the item and recommended approval with the condition that the changes apply only to corner lots.

The proposed ordinance affects Strategic Priority Area 4: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Goal 4: Achieve Universal Environmental Sustainability in Public and Private Environments, Operations, and Infrastructure, of the Town of Miami Lakes Strategic Plan.

Ordinance (First Reading)
Staff Report
LPA materials