Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers
From:Edward Pidermann, Town Manager
Subject:Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet Wrapping


It is recommended that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement with the Miami-Dade County for the wrapping of traffic signal controller cabinets operated and maintained by Miami-Dade County.


Utility boxes such as traffic signal controller cabinets have been an opportunity to encourage public art and beautification in cities across the United States. Many of these communities have used wrapping material to enhance the overall aesthetics of these infrastructure elements. As part of our on going beautification efforts, the Town is proposing to initiate a utility box wrapping program funded through private sponsorships. As the Town is not the owner of these utility boxes, the Town will need to obtain permission from the owners of the boxes to be able to proceed with the program.

Traffic signal controller cabinets are presently under the jurisdiction of Miami Dade County. In discussions with the County, they are supportive of the Town's initiative. However, it requires an interlocal with the County for the wrapping process and for maintenance purposes.

The attached interlocal agreement grants authorization to the Town to wrap traffic signal controller boxes at the locations listed on Appendix A. The proposed visuals and locations are attached.
