Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Town Councilmembers
From:Edward Pidermann, Town Manager
Subject:Miami-Dade County (MDC) 2019 Neat Streets Miami's Street Tree Matching Grant Program


It is recommended that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager, to apply for, and if awarded, execute the interlocal Tree Planting Reporting Agreement with Miami-Dade County and expend budgeted funds for the 2019 Street Tree Matching Grant Program in an amount not to exceed $30,000 to assist in funding the Miami Lakes West Lake Reforestation Phase 3 Project. The Town's match source is budgeted under Tree Permitting Revenue and $30,000 is available for this Project.


The Miami-Dade County Neat Streets Miami's Street Tree Matching Grant program aims to reach the Million Trees Miami goal of planting one million trees to achieve a 30 percent tree canopy in Miami-Dade County. The Grant engages municipalities, non-profits and community organizations in planting native or Florida-friendly trees on the County's corridors and gateways. The goal of this program is to leverage the County's street tree program by encouraging investments on County or local streets. Grants will be awarded to those communities who can demonstrate the greatest benefits for residents, employers and visitors. Agencies are invited to submit applications for projects that can be developed for Fiscal Year 2019.

The Neat Streets Miami's Street Tree Matching Grant will assist the Town in funding the Miami Lakes West Lake Reforestation Phase 3 Project. The Project's goals are to enhance tree canopy, provide shade, and create memorable landscape aesthetics in an area of the Town in desperate need of canopy trees. The Project will plant an estimated ninety-eight (98) Florida Friendly trees from a variety of species at various locations to include:

1) NW 148th Terrace, between NW 87th Avenue and NW 89th Avenue

2) NW 148th Terrace, between NW 89th Avenue and NW 92nd Avenue

3) NW 149th Terrace, between NW 89th Avenue and NW 92nd Avenue

The Project is estimated at $60,000. The Grant requires a 50% local match and no more than 50% of the total project costs will be awarded to any single applicant. The Town's match source is budgeted under Tree Permitting Revenue and the local match of $30,000 is available for this Project.

The Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County, through Resolution No. R-475-18, directed the County Mayor or County Mayor's Designee to develop an interlocal agreement, to be entered into between the County and municipalities located within Miami-Dade County, for municipalities engaged in tree planting to provide periodic reports to the County regarding their tree plantings. If awarded, the Town must enter an interlocal Tree Planting Reporting Agreement with Miami-Dade County. The Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Department Tree Planting Reporting Agreement is included with this Memorandum as “Exhibit A”.

Studies show that trees contribute significantly to the environment, human health, energy savings, and quality of life. This Project will provide significant benefits including much needed canopy for a future bike lanes and a greenway project partially funded through a partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). In addition, this Project will provide tree canopy for residents utilizing the free Town of Miami Lakes Moover community bus circulator #126 located at NW 149th Terrace and NW 89th Avenue. Furthermore, the Project is consistent with the Town's Beautification Master Plan and Strategic Plan and will assists Miami-Dade County with reaching its Million Trees Miami goal to achieve a 30 percent tree canopy for Miami-Dade County.

Exhibit A Tree Planting Reporting Agreement