Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers
From:Honorable Councilmember Nelson Rodriguez
Subject:Miami Lakes Strategic Plan


I would like discuss with my colleagues the possibility of having a community Strategic Plan meeting or workshop. For some time, the Town Council has been discussing the service levels and quality of life in Miami Lakes. These meetings and workshops will allow our residents to review our current Strategic Plan and understand the priorities set by the Town Council three years ago.

After all the workshops and meetings take place, I would like to have a true Town Council retreat whereas the Council Members gather to prepare the suggestions taken from the workshops.

It is my opinion that we should schedule the workshops sometime after the new Town Manager has been hired. This will also be a great opportunity for the Council Members and new Town Manager to work together to review and/or develop changes to the Strategic Plan, if needed.

I bring this item up now because I believe we should give our Town Staff proper notice and time to prepare for these workshops.

Fiscal Impact: Approximately $25,000 for consultant support