Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers
From:Raul Gastesi, Jr., Town Attorney
Subject:Committee Rules Amendendment

It is recommended that the Town Council adopt the enclosed changes to the Town Committee Rules, Regulations and Procedures.

During the May 1, 2018 Town Council Meeting, the Town Attorney addressed concerns regarding Minors, which is defined as individuals under the age of eighteen years, from voting during Committee Meetings, on items that require a Minor to exercise their independent discretion and judgment. Specifically, Committee items that concern the creation of a budget or expenditures. The Town Council directed the Town Attorney to return with recommendations.

The proposed Resolution addresses two changes to the existing Committee Rules, Regulations and Procedures (the "Rules"). First it amends Section 3 and 4 of the Rules by removing that Committee Meetings can be held anywhere within Town Boundaries, to a requirement that Committee Meeting must be held at a Public Facility located within Town Boundaries. This change will ensure that Florida Law is followed by providing the public with access to Committee Meetings.

Second, the Rules are amended to address the issue of existing Minors serving on Committees. Currently, the Youth Activities Task Force is the only Committee to provide for Minor membership. The proposed change to Section 12 of the Rules will allow for the participation of Minors on matters that do not concern Committee Budgets, or Expenditures. Additionally, proposed Section 12 provides that unless specifically prescribed by a Resolution, a Minor may not be appointed to a Committee.
