Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Town Council
From:Alex Rey, Town Manager
Subject:Comprehensive Plan - Transportation Amendments

It is recommended that the Town Council approve the attached ordinance on second reading, and approve transmittal to appropriate review agencies, to amend the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the results of the Town's recent transportation planning efforts.
The proposed ordinance would amend the Transportation Element and the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate into the Comprehensive Plan the results of the extensive transportation planning efforts undertaken by the Town in the last few years. Since 2013, the Town has completed the Commute Trip Reduction Plan (CTRP) (2013), the Greenways and Trails Master Plan (2014), and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Sidewalk Master Plan (2015) and the Alternative to Concurrency Study (2015), the latter of which recommends replacing the Town's traditional traffic concurrency program with a mobility fee. Additionally, the Town has recently completed an update to its Strategic Plan through a process which identified transportation and mobility issues as the top concern of both the Town's residents and the Town's businesses. Concurrently with development of the Strategic Plan, the Town in July 2015 conducted a Transportation Summit, the results of which, and the transportation planning efforts stemming from it, have led to the development of an extensive set of improvements and initiatives to be included in the Strategic Plan. This includes five major strategies, each of which includes a number of specific actions. The five strategies are: 1) Improve Transit and Pedestrian Mobility; 2) Improve Distribution of Traffic (Spatially and Temporally); 3) Improve East-West Connectivity; 4) Targeted Improvements at Trouble Spots; and, 5) Provide Mobility Alternatives for Intra-Town Trips.

Significantly, the Town Council directed staff to include the development of a complete streets policy and programs into the Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Plan.

Although transportation planning should be a continuous process, it is necessary at this to integrate many of the strategies and initiatives into the Comprehensive Plan, and this proposed ordinance will accomplish that.

The Planning and Zoning Board voted at its April 27, 2016 special meeting to recommend approval of this ordinance.

In accordance with State law, the Town submitted the proposed amendments to the Department of Economic Opportunity and other review agencies following the Council's approval on first reading. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) expressed concerns about the need to have traffic impacts to Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) facilities analyzed as part of Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment applications. Staff has proposed minor language changes to address these concerns, and FDOT has confirmed that these changes have addressed their concerns.
Ordinance - Second Reading
Ordinance Exhibit 1: Text Amendments
Ordinance Exhibit 2: New Transportation Map Series
Memo Summarizing the 2015 Transportation Summit
Resolution 15-1330
Correspondence with Reviewing Agencies