Item Coversheet
Town of Miami Lakes

To:Honorable Mayor and Town Council
From:Alex Rey, Town Manager
Subject:Mobility Fee - Rate Per Daily Trip

It is recommended that the Town Council adopt the attached resolution establishing the rate per daily tripand mean auto occupancy by land usefor the calculation of the mobility fee.
The purpose of the attached resolution is to set the rate per daily tripand the mean auto occupancy by land use, essential elements in the calculation of the mobility fee. These parameters are established - and later, amended - by resolution because they are changeable, and this process allows for the adjustment of these numbers without the need to amend the Code. The rate per daily trip is determined both by the projected cost of transportation improvements needed to meet the Town's mobility goals and by the amount and type of projected development in the Town (and thus how many person-trips said development is projected to generate). The mean auto occupancy by land use is used to convert automobile trips generated (as typically determined by the Institute for Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual)to person-trips. Currently, the best available data is the Southeast Florida Regional Travel Characteristics Studypublished in October 2000. As more recent data becomes available, the Council will be able to amend the mean auto occupancy by land use by resolution.

Exhibit B attached hereto shows the transportation projects cost estimates and other capital costs determined required to meet the Town's mobility goals, totaling approximately $26,100,000 (in2016dollars). The Town has been awarded grants partially covering some of these projects for $2,000,000. Additionally, based on past experience, it is projected that half of greenways projects will be covered by grant funding, which results in a projection of an additonal $2,200,000 in grant funding, leaving a total cost to the Town of $21,900,000. Assuming a 15-year period to implement all projects, it is assumed that dedicated Town funding (aside from the mobility fee) will total approximately $11,200,000 (assuming 70 percent of the non-transit portion of People's Transportation Plan funding - totaling $8,925,000 - and the $0.03 gas tax totaling $2,250,000). Subtracting $11,175,000 in existing funding sources from the Town's cost of $21,921,650 leaves $10,700,000 to be included in the mobility fee calculation. Implementing the proposed transportation improvements in a shorter timeframe would require that additional funds be identified.

Establishing the mobility fee rate also requires projecting the amount of type of development to occur over the next 15 years. To make these projections, it is assumed that existing approvals are built per their approvals, that remaining vacant land is built per the type and average density/intensity that have occurred in the Town in the same future land use categories and that, given that the Town is nearing built-out, that for those properties already developed, that 10 percent of redevelopment capacity, under existing Comprehensive Plan allowances, is utilized. The resulting levels of increased development by land use type and associated increase in daily trips is presented in the following table.

Land Use
Amount Increase in Person-Trips
Residential 1600 units (256 single family, 230 townhouse, 1114 multifamily) 12,097
Office 218,928 2,613
Commercial 827,956 45,413
Industrial 889,611 6,709
Total 66,832
Dividing the cost of improvements to be included in the calculation per above ($10,700,000) by the projected increase in daily person-trips (66,832) results in a cost per daily trip of $160.
Mobility Projects Costs Exhibit